live / latest data

Fenix: Ceilometer @ ACTRIS National Facility Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Toni => ACTRIS high power aerosol lidar @ Garmisch-Partenkirchen

logarithmic range corrected signal 1064nm, total
depolarization ratio 532nm

Ikaros => AERONET Sun / Sky / Lunar Photometer @ Garmisch-Partenkirchen

aerosol optical depth

Luna => AERONET Sun / Sky / Lunar Photometer @ Zugspitze

aerosol optical depth

Franzi: Raman Lidar @ Uni Innsbruck as part of TEAMx

Vroni: Raman-Lidar @ ACTRIS National Facility Garmisch-Partenkirchen

These data are uncalibrated and directly generated from level 0 data. They are only for illustration. Furthergoing use and submission is not permitted without confirmation by H. Vogelmann <>.